Sunday, 22 April 2012
Saturday, 21 April 2012
ہوائی حادثہ: قیامت سے پہلے قیامت کا منظر
یہ کوئی بےبسی سی بےبسی ہےکہ 127چلتے پھرتےخوش وخرم افراد جن میں مرد' عورتیں' بچےشامل تھے چشمِ زدن میں راکھ کا ڈھیر بن گئے۔ وہ 20 اپریل کی سرشام تھی کہ جب کراچی ایئرپورٹ پر لوگ ہنسی خوشی بھوجا ایئرلائن کے طیارے پر سوار ہونے جارہے تھے کوئی نوبیاہتا جوڑا اپنی خوشیوں کو دوبالا کرنے کے لیے محوسفر تھا لیکن اسے کیا پتہ تھا کہ یہ اس کا آخری سفر ہے' کوئی اپنےخونی رشتوں سے ملنے کی آس لیے ایئرپورٹ پہنچنے کی جلدی کر رہا تھا کہ کہیں اس سے فلائٹ چھٹ نہ جائے لیکن اسے کیا خبر تھی کہ کچھ ہی دیر بعد اس کی زندگی کی گاڑی چھٹ جائےگی۔ ایسے لوگ بھی تھے جو اپنے کاروبار میں ترقی کی خاطر سفر کر رہے تھےمگر ان کو کیا پتہ تھا کہ یہ ان کا آخری سفر ثابت ہوگا اور وہ ہمیشہ کے لیے فکرِ معاش سے آزاد ہوجائیں گے۔
کتنے ہی لوگ تھے جو اسلام آباد ایئرپورٹ پراپنے پیاروں کے استقبال کے لیے آنکھوں میں خوشیاں سجائے ہوئے تھے لیکن یہ اچانک کیا ہوا کہ ہنستے بستے لوگ' روشن اور خوش و خرم چہرے چند ہی لمحوں میں راکھ کے ڈھیر میں بدل گئے۔ ان کے چہرے اور جسم اس قابل بھی نہ رہے کہ ان کے پیارے ایک نظر ان کو دیکھ سکیں۔
جہاز کے زمین پر اترنے سے چند منٹ قبل آسمانی بجلی چمکی اور چند ہی ساعتوں میں ہوا میں معلق جہاز کو آگ کے گولے میں تبدیل کرگئی۔ ایک کلو میٹر کے رقبے پر پھیلا ہوا جہاز کا ملبہ' جلتا ہوا انسانی گوشت' چہارسو بکھرا ہوا مسافروں کا سازوسامان قیامت سے پہلے قیامت کا منظر پیش کر رہا تھا۔ جن لوگوں نے بھی میڈیا کے ذریعے یہ منظر دیکھا ان سب کی آنکھیں اشک بار تھیں اور لب پہ دعا تھی کہ اللہ تعالٰی ہر ذی روح کو ایسی ناگہانی آفت سے محفوظ رکھے۔ آمین
A great many thanks for all you have done
Without you my life would not have begun
You have been there when I most needed you
You have helped to guide me my whole life through
We have shared both the good times and the bad
But most of all, thank you for being my dad
I love you.
This is for my father, A shaded tree who taught me, who brought me up who cared me. A person who sacrifice his young his comfort his peace for sake of my happiness and comfort who always think about my needs and demand instead of himself who never say to me on my legal demands. For sake of my future who sacrifice his luxury,make me learn a difference between right and wrong, give me a confidence and strength at every step, who learn mine first step who always got my needs before i speak. What i write or what i don't father has great personality with his sacrifices. whose aim is always provide comfort luxury and better future to their offspring who never think about him who never plan for his future. salute to all fathers who devoted their lives for children.May Allah keeps all father in bless and showered with sound health
The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him FATHER
PM Gilani received the degree of MBBS
Yes, it is true that
our very own reputable Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani for his degraded administration
received the MBBS degree in Corruption when his premier son Ali Musa Gilani
completed the house job which is compulsory for the degree, a few days before.
Yup! My friends you’re absolutely correct. The
term was extracted from the famous Indian movie “Muna Bhai MBBS”. And the word MBBS
stands for “Mian Biwi Bachhon Sameyth”. But the other sensational point that wandered
me was PM Gilani got the degree by the PML-N spokesperson Ahsan Iqbal in the press
conference at Islamabad. I think that he should first endorse about the degrees
of Sharif Family to the public as he is the spokesperson of PML (N).
Recently, Prime Minister
Yousuf Raza Gilani charged for contempt of court in the National Reconciliation
Ordinance (NRO) implementation case. Gilani also alleged by the opposition for
his immersion in the cases of different corruption, nepotism, favoritism, etc. Moreover,
The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) has blamed the government of PM Syed Yousuf Raza
Gilani of targeting the bureaucracy in order to hide its own corruption.
Earlier, the elder son
of PM, Syed Abdul Qadir Gilani, MPA, was involved in the Haj scam, PM Gilani’s
wife was alleged on account of non-payment of Rs 380 billion in bank loans
which were written off by misusing political influence. And now, the Apex court
issues notice to Ali Musa Gilani in the Ephedrine import scam.
Anyways, my dear friends, I am little bit confused either to congratulate our PM for his achievement or not? We all know that taken the degree of MBBS is not the game of children.PM Yousuf Raza Gilani and his Beloved family worked a lot for this corruption degree. It is remarkable success of them which should be written in black and white for the knowledge of our future generation.
yah nojawan aur pakistan..
کہتے ہیں کہ ملک کی ترقی کا انحصار نوجوانوں پر ہوتا ہے اور نوجوان ہی ملک کا سرمایا ہوتے ہیں. لیکن پاکستان کا سرمایا دیکھ کر افسوس ہوتا ہے کہ وہ کس راہ پر گامزن ہیں. ایک جھٹکے میں کامیابی حاصل کرنے کے لئے چاہے غلط راستے کا سہی وہ با خوشی انتخاب کر رہے ہیں، بنا سوچے سمجھے کہ یہ راستہ انھے وقتی خوشی ، کامیابی اور عزت تو دے سکتا ہے مگر یہ سب وقتی اور نا پیدار ہیں . ایسے نوجوان ملک کی ترقی میں کیا کردار ادا کریں گے جن کی اپنی ہی بنیاد کھوکلی اور جھوٹ پر ہو . جنہوں نے کامیابی تو حاصل کی مگر نقل کی بنیاد پر. یہ المیہ ہے ہمارے لئے کہ ہمارا تعلیمی نظام اس قدر بوسیدہ اور بدعنوانی کا شکار ہےکہ طالب علم اپنی بنیاد نقل کے اینٹوں سے رکھ رہا ہے اور کوئی پوچھنے والا ہی نہیں. جس کی بہترین مثال میٹرک بورڈ کا امتحان ہے، جس کا ہر پرچہ پہلے سے ہی فوٹوکاپی کے لئے طلب علموں کے ہاتھ میں ہوتا ہے اور وہ با آسانی نقل کا مواد تیار کر لیتے ہیں. سوچنے کی بات یہ ہے کہ اس کا زمےدارکون ہے یہ طالب علم یا ہمارا تعلیمی نظام اور اس کے وزیر؟؟ جن کے پاس اس غلط ترغیب کو روکنے کے لئے کوئی طریقہ کار نہیں ہے مگر اپنی تمام خواہشوں کو پورا کرنے کے لئے وسائل ضرور ہیں. اورانھیں فکربھی کیوں ہو بھلا، ان کےبچوں کوکونسااس بوسیدہ نظام میں تعلیم کے زیور سے آراستہ ہونا ہے . وہ تو چاہتے ہی یهی ہیں کہ ہماری نوجوان نسل کبھی تعلیم کے میدان میں ان سے آگے نہ نکل سکے تا کہ وو ہمیشہ ہم پر یونہی حکومت کر سکیں. ورنہ اتنی طاقت، رتبہ، عھدہ، اور با اثر ہونے کے باوجود یہ اس بے گند گی کو صاف نہیں کر سکتے یا پھر کرنا ہی نہیں چاہتے. سلام ہے ہماری نوجوان نسل پے کہ جن کو سمجھ ہی نہیں آرہا کہ ان کی بنیاد کھوکھلی کی جا رہی ہے، ان کی جڑ کو کاٹا جا رہا ہے. اللہ ہی خیر کرے ایسی نسل کا اور پاکستان کا کہ جس کا مستقبل یہ نوجوان ہیں.
Friday, 20 April 2012
28 oct 1956 at Iran near garmsar aradan in semnan province a baby boy born in black smith house. his parents never dreamed in future about his son who was going to became chief executive of Iran. Who is real islamic leader by his practices and simplicity in his life style and he emphasized that today the country is on the path of reconstruction and Iran must be make based on its history, civilization and name. this what which make him mine leader a real leader who takes politics as a worship. a "simple man" who leads a "modest" life.
Being a president,he wanted to continue living in the same house in Tehran his family had been living in. He is said to have refused the V.I.P. seat on the Presidential plane, and that he eventually replaced it with a cargo plane instead. yes you all get right he is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is graduated in civil engineering from Iran university science and technology earned his P.H.D 1997 in transportation engineering and planning from Iran University of Science and Technology, located at Tehran, when he was the Mayor of Ardabil Province, located at the north-west of the country. he is good in his policies which he enforced and planned in his era like housing economic family planning and population, human right education system and nuclear plant of Iran I am much impress and proud to see that how The President of Iran is living in very simple life which if we compare with any leader of Islamic or non-Islamic countries than such example is IMPOSSIBLE. Other leaders more interest to live VVIP life style no matter what cost spend they never care or worried.
He is having food with the own country people majority are youth and show that is the President of Iran but still live very common life which is the secret of his success. he has three children Mehdi Ali Raza and Fatima recently his simplicity embossed when he did his son's reception with the shaririyat-e-mohammadi. he used to live simple life instead of protocol . he has great personality by his practices and character i have no words to explain his great personality he is all the way great and real Islamic leader ,if we compare him with our politician a huge difference we can noticed a luxury life and their back ground and big bank balance and loyalty with their nation every thing is worst in them or AHMADINEJAD is superior than all in all the way In our country where the every single politicians spend life in VIP way and they never think to follow the simplicity of Iranian President. Why our country top leaders or politicians always think for own interest instead of the whole country, that is why our country still facing problems but never sincere to overcome such problems to get relief their own country people If we determine to live a simple life and pledge to work for own country interest instead of own benefits than see where our country stand if we all collective the end:In order to become the master, the politician serves as the servant.
This goes to AHEMAD.INEJAD.
I'm a Prisoner...
A poem from a girl who trying to get rid of her problems and always get stuck in.She is living carefree life but some where that girl missed something.She is just like a bird who spread her wings for flying and change her decision because of falling down....
I am a prisoner of a jail who is crazy but humble inside,
I am a prisoner of a jail who is crazy but humble inside,
I am a prisoner of a jail who behave worst in tensed time.
I am a prisoner of a jail who fly for sky but falls every time,where tears become apart of my life.
I am a prisoner of a jail whom everyone loves to make cry.
I am a prisoner of a jail whom asking for love and cheated every time.
I am a prisoner of a jail who wish to change life every day.
O ALLAH! help me in removing the darkness of my life
Because I am a prisoner and searching for the light.....
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Life is a gift of Allah we have to enjoy it by following the right path of living. In order to lead a perfect life we have to follow the rules of happy life. don't lead your life as burden. Although life is full of struggles, there is a lot stress panic or stuck moment but we have to face all this with confidence and courage and defeat it.
However in spite of all of this from birth to death man seems to be surrounded by stress. we now live in a stress full society there is no way we can escape from effects of stress.when anything goes wrong in our lives the magical word stress is invoked as the universal excuse.
stress has its own good points as well as bad ones. its come from inside we can often point to people,events, situations we have to follow some good habits that makes our life easier and happier
Everybody in this world is seeking happiness and there is one sure way to find it, that is by controlling our thoughts happiness does not depends on inner condition, it is not what we have or what we are doing that makes us happy or unhappy , it is what we think about it as some one said...
Always smile ,be a good listener,encourage others to talk about them. The second thing is that we have to assure other other person that they are important we have to show respect for others we should never lad them down. we have to admit our mistakes because admitting ones mistake is a sign of greatness. it is better to talk about our own mistakes before criticizing the other person.Remember that nobody likes criticism be positive and get positive.
so if wanna make your life happy don't criticise people but give honest appreciation if u make people happy around you you will be happy in life.
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Dear dairy! I want to tell you something
I read poetry of
Alice Wyndham. That made me quite strong to express my feelings in words. The
poetry says,
When time runs out and
your heart needs to say so much more
but the heart that should hear it is gone now forever
and you are left with a raw nagging sore.
Then reach for your paper, your pen and your candle
and write though your heart it would burst.
No fears now restrain you; no judgment; no mock;
Write of your best, of your worst.
When your soul is then drained of its deepest regret
then holds your true paper to the candle's clear flame
that thought-laden smoke might reach to that heart
and ashes, a symbol of love, yet remain.
but the heart that should hear it is gone now forever
and you are left with a raw nagging sore.
Then reach for your paper, your pen and your candle
and write though your heart it would burst.
No fears now restrain you; no judgment; no mock;
Write of your best, of your worst.
When your soul is then drained of its deepest regret
then holds your true paper to the candle's clear flame
that thought-laden smoke might reach to that heart
and ashes, a symbol of love, yet remain.
That’s why I think that this piece of
writing may help me to overcome this ache. It is about when I was in school and
I delighted to be the position holder in the class. And probably in that
proudness I badly hurt someone. From that time this pain of mind is not
allowing me to live a normal life. I find no way to get rid of this suffering.
Everything I see is wrapped in black. It May be because of my veil of
depression which I am wearing. I cannot see the reality of anything. I wish I
could change the worst happening of my life. I could rewind the life and manage
things as I wish it to be. I wander why that heartbreaking day came into my
life. Why because of my foolishness a person was hurt? I wish I could not be
the reason of someone’s wounds. Her tears shedding eyes inflamed my soul. And
still my soul is burning in that fire. I wish I did not tell anything to the
principal about our mathematics teacher. I wish I remained quiet. In that case
she was not fired from the job and she lingered with us. I pray to Allah for a
chance just to apologize for my mistake.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
What you call it Pension or Tension..??
Another post which shows the weak point of Government.
A long queue of people in front of bank, waiting for their turn. These people
knows very well that opening timings of bank is 9:00 pm but they making queue
outside the bank from early in the morning to get the pension first. Hot whether makes their faces more weak. Tiring and tensed faces again and
again check their watches, when clock ticks 9 and they enter in the bank. In
this long queue, some people are retired employees, some women takes money on
behalf of their husbands, their ages is from 60 or above. There is something
which is objectionable, don’t you feel it??but i felt. Wrinkled faces people
who standing alone, they are some one's father or mother, some ones sister or
brother but at this moment only 10 or less people are waiting along with their
relative and rest of them are standing alone. This shows that they have no
relatives and family .they crossed the age of 60, they suffered from different
diseases. If they died here, who will help them? Government? Never
In 2011, a man, seventy-year-old Mahmood Khan died in queue. Khan had
retired eleven years ago as a driver for Pakistan Railways. Desperate to get
his long overdue pension of Rs4, 000, the elderly Railways pensioner wanted to
be one of the first to get to the bank in the morning. He stood in queue all
night outside National Bank of Pakistan’s Mughalpura Railways Workshop branch.
Above example is enough to highlight the weakness of Government. If Government
is blamed for this type of issues then it is not wrong. Now-a-days prices are
high and value of money is decreasing.4000 rupees hardly help these employees
and others for 1 week than where did they fulfill their expenses.
Government should introduce a new policy which includes the increment of
pensions and sending pensions to the employees’ home. Government favorable
actions could save the life of other people like mahmood khan.
اف یہ شدید گرمی اورسرِشام بازاربند۔۔۔۔۔
ہماری حکومت کی عقل پر تالے پڑگئے ہیں نہ تو حکومت بجلی چوروں کو پکڑنے کی صلاحیت رکھتی ہے، نہ ہی بجلی کی پیداوار کو بڑھانےکا کوئی انتظام کرسکتی ہے۔ سارا نزلہ بےچارے عوام پر گرتا ہے. ہمارے وزیراعظم اور تمام صوبوں کے وزرائےاعلیٰ اگر متفق ہوئے بھی تو کس بات پر دو دن دفاتر بند کرنے اور 8 بجےکےبعد تجارتی اور کاروباری مراکز بند کرنے پر۔
پاکستان جیسے شدید گرم ملک میں ہونا تو یہ چاہیے تھا کہ دوپہر میں تجارتی اور کاروباری مراکز بند ہوں اور شام میں کھولے جائیں، لیکن افسوس کہ ہماری حکومت توانائی کے اداروں سے کرپشن ختم کرنے کے بجائے سارا بوجھ غریب عوام پر ڈال دیتی ہے۔
ضرورت اس بات کی ہے کہ سرکاری اداروں سے کرپشن ختم کی جائے، بجلی چوروں کا محاسبہ کیا جائے، جو حکومت میں شامل بجلی چوروں کے پشت پناہ ہیں ان کا بھی محاسبہ کیا جائے، انصاف اور سزا کے نظام کو موثر بنایا جائے۔
پاکستانی حکومت کی غلط حکمتِ عملی سے ملک ترقی کے بجائےتنزلی کی طرف سفر کر رہا ہے۔ حکومت کو چاہیے کہ عوام اور کاروباری طبقے کو پریشانی میں مبتلا کرنے کے بجا ئے اپنی حکمتِ عملی اور طرزِ حکمرانی پر نظرثانی کرے۔
Monday, 9 April 2012
Ek kadam dosti ki taraf……!!!!
Jab say India aur Pakistan bana hai
tab say hi in dono mumalik ka darmian buhat say ikhtelafaat chal aur rahe hain jo aaj tak hal nahi ho sakay aur ayenda bhi hal hotay dikhayi nahi detay…iss kay ilawa in dono mumalik kay darmiyan cold war bhi kafi arsay say jaari hai jo abhi tak khatam
nahi hui………
Sadar Zardari jo kay baroz itwar 8 April 2012 ko apnay
wafd kay humrah ek roza niji dauray kay liye apnay wafd kay humrah Dehli phonchay..iss
say phelay bhi Pakistani kay Sador India ka daura kar chukay
hain lekin koi musbat nataij samnay nahi asakay..khair Sadar Zardari aur India
kay prime minister Man Mohan Singh nay 2008
kay Mumbai attcaks kay sath sath Kashmir aur deegar dehshadgardi kay masail pe
bhi baat hui….is kay ilawa Sadar Zardari nay Indian Prime Minister kay Zoharanay main bhi shikat maukay per
People's Party kay chairman Bilawal Bhutto bhi maujood thay……Dehli main kuch
dair kayaam kay baad Sadar Zardari aur unka wafd Ajmer Sharif bhi Sufi Buzurg
Mohiuddin Chisti ki dargha pe hazri denay gaye wahan pe unho nay Pakistan ki
salamti kay liye duaen bhi ki aur nawafil bhi ada ki…is kay ilawa Sadar Zardari
nay 10 million dollars ka nazrana denay ka bhi elaan kia…buhat achi baat hai kay Sadar
Zardari nay itni darya dilli ka muzhaira kia lekin unhe yeh nazranay ka elaan
karnay say phelay ek baar apnay mulk ki awaam kay baray main bhi sochna chaiye
tha jo kay mehngai aur ghurbat ki wajah say mar rahi hai…khair iss dauray kay
mutaliq India k Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh ka kehna hai kay is dauray say
hum log mutmaeen hain aur Pakistan aur India kay darmian achay taluqkaat paida
honay chaiyen…iss kay ilawa iss dauray main visa ki asaani kay mutaliq bhi baat
cheet hui jis say logon kay liye anay janay main bhi asaani paida ho sakey…Sadar
Zardari nay bhi Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh ko bhi Pakistan anay ki dawat j
okay unho nay kubool karli…Ab dekhna yeh hai kay wo kab Pakistan atay hain..aur India aur Pakistan kay darmian honay wali mulakaten kitnay musbat nataej samnay lati hain aur dono mulkon ki awaam kay liye kitna behtar sabit hoti hai..khair yeh to waqt hi btaye ga……!!!
Goal Gappay wala aya!
emmm!!! Whenever we heard this call we get mouth watering , a appetizer which is famous world widely in every age group and gender,it is giggle loud out food. A popular street snack and appetizer in Pakistan. It is really mouth watering, it’s a touch of every flavor sour, sweet, spicy, salty etc. It comprises a round, hollow puri, fried crisp and filled with a watery mixture of tamarind, chili, chaat masala and salt alogwith condiments like onion, boiled chickpeas and potato.It is the associated stuffing and recipe of the masala water that makes it unique. The stuffing and water recipes vary from region to region, and the regional names vary also.Basically it originated from bananras west bengal where it called as Phuchka. it carries different name by differ region:
Its popular names and the area where it is known by this name are:
Its popular names and the area where it is known by this name are:
Name | Region |
Gol gappa, Water balls | New Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Jharkhand, Bihar, Pakistan |
Pani ke bataashe | Rajasthan |
Panipuri | Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu |
Phuchka | Bangladesh, West Bengal (India), Assam |
Gup chup | Chhattisgarh, Odissa |
Pakodi | Gujarat |
Phulki | Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh |
It has different taste with different sauces In Pakistan they are available at your door steps also. It has been enjoyed by every one as its taste is unique and price is cheap. Women also made them at home on various occasions like iftar or basant festival. Now days gol gappay are a part of wedding feast also.but be care full when u eat it because some time this appetizer harm us.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Few days before I was travelling by a public bus. A girl sitting beside me asked her friend, "Do you wear sleeveless shirt?". The other girl replied "yes I do, but not in Low-down areas. You know people in these areas are quite backward. They stare at you if you wear sleeveless shirt or jeans. I usually prefer to wear sleeveless when I go to high-class areas. People in these posh areas are quite civilized. They don't bother whether you wear jeans or trousers or sleeveless".
This conversation between these two girls made me think that is it the code of our ethics? We can wear every kind of dress if we are going to a high class locality. We are permitted to do anything in a five-star restaurant but when we go to a low-down area, we wear a mask of false virtue to hide our ugly faces from others.Is this the standard of our morality? Are we suppose to cover our bodies only to avoid public gaze? Don't we have inner sense of guilt when we expose our bodies only to considered fashionable and stylish? where is our inner sense conscience? Our inner sense of guilt? Our inner morality? Aren't we leading a life of double standards?
I often witness girls wearing "Abayas", delicately fitted to expose their form and figure. I wonder what is the use of wearing Abaya if it is not meant to hide your shape. Girls often enter to be an emblem of virtue.
But once they are free to do anything they like, as if morality is a kind of any garment can be put on and put off at any time when they want. The most deplorable facts is that the even Abaya has entered in the domain of fashion now a days. Girls are eager to wear stylish and fitted Abayas. The word "Pardah" has lost its meaning in our society. We observe Pardah only to pretend morality not to fulfil orthodox religious and moral obligations. I pray that may ALLAH enable us to understand the true virtue and morality. Ameen
This conversation between these two girls made me think that is it the code of our ethics? We can wear every kind of dress if we are going to a high class locality. We are permitted to do anything in a five-star restaurant but when we go to a low-down area, we wear a mask of false virtue to hide our ugly faces from others.Is this the standard of our morality? Are we suppose to cover our bodies only to avoid public gaze? Don't we have inner sense of guilt when we expose our bodies only to considered fashionable and stylish? where is our inner sense conscience? Our inner sense of guilt? Our inner morality? Aren't we leading a life of double standards?
I often witness girls wearing "Abayas", delicately fitted to expose their form and figure. I wonder what is the use of wearing Abaya if it is not meant to hide your shape. Girls often enter to be an emblem of virtue.
But once they are free to do anything they like, as if morality is a kind of any garment can be put on and put off at any time when they want. The most deplorable facts is that the even Abaya has entered in the domain of fashion now a days. Girls are eager to wear stylish and fitted Abayas. The word "Pardah" has lost its meaning in our society. We observe Pardah only to pretend morality not to fulfil orthodox religious and moral obligations. I pray that may ALLAH enable us to understand the true virtue and morality. Ameen
Buzurg Allah ki Rehmat!!
آج کے اس نفسانفسی کے دور میں ہر انسان صرف اور صرف اپنے لیے سوچتا ہے، کسی کی حاجت پوری کرنا تو دور کی بات، لڑائی جھگڑے سے بھی کوئی گریز نہیں کرتا۔ ہر کوئی اپنی طاقت کی بنا پر دوسرے کو شکست دینے پر لگا ہوا ہے جس کی وجہ سے ہمارے معاشرے کے حالات بد سے بدتر ہوتے جارہے ہیں۔
حضرت انسؓ سے روایت ہے کہ آپ نے فرمایا: ”جس کسی نے میرے کسی امتی کا دل خوش کرنے کے لیے اس کی کوئی حاجت پوری کردی تو اس نے مجھے خوش کیا، اور جس نے مجھے خوش کیا اس نے میرے اللہ کو خوش کیا۔ اللہ اس کو جنت میں داخل فرمائے گا“۔
اس پیاری حدیث کی روشنی میں اگر ہم اپنے کسی پڑوسی یا غریب کی مدد کریں تو ہمارا رب ہم سے خوش ہوجائے گا۔ کسی کا دل خوش کرنے کے لیے ضروری نہیں ہے کہ اس کو مال ہی دیا جائے، بلکہ ہمارے اردگرد ایسے بہت سے لوگ ہیں جنہیں مال و اسباب کی نہیں اپنائیت کی اور ایسے شخص کی ضرورت ہے جو ان کی طرف مسکرا کر دیکھے، ان سے بات کرے۔ ہم نے اپنے بوڑھوں کو ایک بے کار چیز کی طرح چھوڑ دیا ہے، اگر صرف ان بوڑھوں کو تھوڑا سا وقت دے دیں تو ان کا دل خوش ہوجائے گا۔ وہ آپ سے پیسہ، مال و اسباب نہیں چاہتے بلکہ انہوں نےتواپناسب کچھ اپنےبچوں پرلٹادیا ہوتا ہےوہ تو ہم سے صرف تھوڑی سی توجہ چاہتے ہیں۔
آج ہماری نوجوان نسل کا المیہ یہ ہے کہ اس نے اپنے بزرگوں کو چھوڑ کر انٹرنیٹ سے معلومات حاصل کرنا اور ان کے تجربے کو چھوڑ کر انٹرنیٹ پر بیٹھے لوگوں کے تجربے حاصل کرنا شروع کردیے ہیں، حالانکہ اگر ہمارے بزرگ ہمیں دل سے دعا ہی دے دیں تو ہماری تقدیر بدل سکتی ہے جس کے لیے ہم دن رات محنت کررہے ہیں اور پھر بھی ہم خالی ہاتھ رہ گئے ہیں۔ ایک حدیث کا مفہوم ہے کہ ”کسی مسلمان کی طرف مسکرا کر دیکھنا بھی صدقہ ہے۔“ اگر صرف مسلمان بھائی کی طرف دیکھ کر مسکرا دینا صدقہ ہے تو سوچیں یہ ہمارے بزرگ ہیں، ہمارے گھر کی رونق ہیں، جن کے دم سے ہم ہر بلا سے محفوظ رہتے ہیں، جن کا سایہ ہمارے اوپراللہ کی رحمت ہے جنہوں نے ہمیں پال پوس کر بڑا کیا ہے، چلنا سکھایا ہے، دنیاداری کے طریقے سکھائے ہیں اور آج ہم اس دنیا میں اتنے گم ہوگئے ہیں کہ اپنے رہبر، اپنے بزرگوں کو ہی بھول گئے۔
ذرا سوچیں اور غور کریں کیونکہ ”وقت اپنے آپ کو ضرور دوہراتا ہے“۔ کہیں ہم بھی کسی ایسے شخص کو تو نظرانداز نہیں کررہے جو کہ ہماری راہوں کا منتظر ہے، جو ہماری صرف ایک مسکراہٹ پر سب کچھ قربان کرچکا ہے۔ کہیں ایسا نہ ہو یہ وقت ہم پر ہی آجائے. اللہ ہم سب کو اپنے بزرگوں کا احترام اور ان کی خدمت کرنے کی توفیق دے اور ان کا سایہ ہم پر قائم رکھے۔ (آمین
Monday, 2 April 2012
Daagh tou chala jaye ga yeh khana phir nahi milay ga........!!!
Aap log soch rahay hon gay kay main nay ghalat jumla likha hai lekin kia karun main blog hi kuch iss tarah ka likh rahi hoon kay yeh jumla mujhay ghalat likna para..khair aap logon ko thora buhat andaaza bhi ho gaya hoga kay mere iss jumlay ka matlab kia hai..??
Yeh jumla aksar shaadi biyah ki takreeb pe bilkul durust bethta hai...aap kahin bhi shaadi mein chalay jayen wahan maujood logon ko shaadi ki takreeb main dilchuspi kay bajaye khana khulnay ka intezar hota hai aur bhala ho bhi kyun na..lifafay main rakam jo de rahe hotay hain aur isi rakam ko pura karnay kay chakar main woh kisi doosray ka khayal karnay kay bajaye apni plate ko K2 ki pahari bana letay hain chahay un kay libas pe dhaag hi kyun na lag jaye wo log yeh sochtay hain kay daagh to chala jaye ga lekin pata nahi aisa khana baad main kab naseeb ho..?? unhe to bus khanay se matlab hota hai..aksar log yeh bhi sochtay hain k bhae pata nahi baad main khana milay yah na milay iss liye bhi wo log aas pass ki fikar kiye baghair apni platon ko saja letay hain chahay baad main khana zaaya hi kyun na ho..baaz dafa itna sara khana dekh kar wese hi tabiyat bhar jati hai yah kuch pasand nahi ata to usi tarah plate main chor dia jata hai adh khai botian aur deegar lawazmaat maiz per wapis usi tarah phoncha dia jata hai...
Lekin kia hum log isi khanay ka ziya kartay huye kabhi un logo kay baray main sochtay hain jo ek waqt ki roti kay liye bhi tarastay hain....???kabhi un bachon kay baray main sochtay hain jo ghurbat honay kay bais kachray main say chun chun kay khanay per majboor hotay hain yah phir logo kay ghar me ja ja kar mangtay huye dikayi detay hain...??log aisi harkat ko mayoob bhi nahi samjhtay..unki yahi harkat ek to doosray logo pe ghalat tasoor daal rahay hotay hain aur doosra wo ALLAH ki nazar main bhi buray ban rahe hotay hain
HazratAbdullah Bin Zubair(R.A) apnay walid Hazrat zubair Bin awaam(R.A) say riwayat kartay hain,unhon nay farmaya "phir iss din tum say nematon kay baray main zaroor sawal hoga".Hazrat Zubair(R.A) nay daryaft farmaya"hum say kaun si nematon kay baray main sawaal hoga..humay to sirf paani aur khajoor hi mauisar hain...Nabi Salala o alalahiwasalam nay farmaya"agaha raho!! yeh sawal zaroor hoga".
So shaadi biyah kay maukay per hum sab ko yeh sochna chaiye kay hum sab say bhi in nematon kay baray main sawal zaroor hoga iss liye jitna ho sakay humay iss adat ko khatam karna chaiye ta kay akhrat main hum apnay RAB kay samnay jawab de ho saken...!!
Friday, 30 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Rain Over Me .......
The rain comes with a brighten effects but does it fills the brightness in heart or lives.Everyday of human life comes up with the loads of work .The hectic life's doesn't give time to people to explore the natural beauty to see the blessings of Allah which is granted to them .The hot atmosphere making their temper hot ,as the temperature touches the highest level of hotness every men started behaving like the temperature is only affecting them.But in this daily hectic life a soothing effect comes up in a form of water from the clouds which we called Rain.The sound of flow of rain touches the heart and start washing every layer of hotness.This is the gift from the Allah which is pleasing everyone with its cool breeze and the rain lovers raise their hands to touch and feel the drops of water.Everyone trying to get mixed with the colours of atmosphere .The laziness in the heart getting vanished.The roar and dazzling sound of droplets made people desperate to feel free and enjoy every moment of rain.Sadness and emptiness in the souls turns with the colours of rainbow,stressed faces bloomed like flowers and they become happier that they never before.
Rain makes me feel like i am a bird and ready to fly.It gives me freedom to run from limits and restrictions.By wetting the palm,my heart fills with the strange joy , every drop touches my face reduces the pain and turns into smile.
The happiness comes after a long sorrow ,the same thing happens in the rain ,the damages happens when rain excessive but the soothing effect of happiness and relaxation which develops by the rain cannot be replaced by any other feeling.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Bechari Awam
Ab tu na jan mehfooz na maal na hi izzat abro aur karobar bhi mehfooz thikana ni rha. ek khof o dehshat ka raj hai js ka ji chahta hai ata hai aur karwae kr k etminan se chala jata hai ksi baat ka koi khof hi ni hai na koi rok to hai aur na hi koi qanoni amal dari. bhatta khori, daketi, chori, lot mar, aghwa, qabza, bheek mangne wale hr tarah k mafia sr garam hain. Aur in sb ka shikar masoom, beqasor, pur aman awam hain.
Waziron mushiron k ilaj malje, hajj umre, bullet proof garhyon, ger mulki dorey sb awam ki jabe se kye jate hain. taxon ko bharmar bhi awam k zimme hai lekin bechari awam sb kuch de kr bhi ger mehfoz hai koi target killing ho, khudkash hamle, dhamake ya dron hamle sb ka shikar bechari awam hi banti hai, syasi partyon k darmian tasadum ho ya ksi syasi karkun ka qatal azab bechari awam per hi nazil hota hai. yahan tk k zalzala zadgan aur selaab zadgan ki madad aur bahali bhi isi bechari awam k kandhon per hai. police ki bhatta khori k bawajod badamni, traffic jam k doran luteron ki yalgar k bad bhi agar awam ko kuch sukoon ka sans mayassar ajaye tu phir zakhera andoz, syasi lisani jamaten aur mehngae rahi sahi qasar pori kar deti hain.
18 crore awam ka ye hujom jise hukomat aur syasatdan qoum kehte hain aur dawedar hain k itni tadad k wo himayat yafta hain, tawwunyafta hain kya dya hai unhone awam ko aur kya ayenda de payenge. unhen awam yaad ati hai tu election k waqt ya ger mulki yalghar k waqt. ye waqt awam ya qoum k uttehad ki zarorat ki talqen ka hai. kya hoga is awam ka? kya srf dar, khouf, bebasi aur lachargi ki zindagi hi awam ka muqadar hai!!
Waziron mushiron k ilaj malje, hajj umre, bullet proof garhyon, ger mulki dorey sb awam ki jabe se kye jate hain. taxon ko bharmar bhi awam k zimme hai lekin bechari awam sb kuch de kr bhi ger mehfoz hai koi target killing ho, khudkash hamle, dhamake ya dron hamle sb ka shikar bechari awam hi banti hai, syasi partyon k darmian tasadum ho ya ksi syasi karkun ka qatal azab bechari awam per hi nazil hota hai. yahan tk k zalzala zadgan aur selaab zadgan ki madad aur bahali bhi isi bechari awam k kandhon per hai. police ki bhatta khori k bawajod badamni, traffic jam k doran luteron ki yalgar k bad bhi agar awam ko kuch sukoon ka sans mayassar ajaye tu phir zakhera andoz, syasi lisani jamaten aur mehngae rahi sahi qasar pori kar deti hain.
18 crore awam ka ye hujom jise hukomat aur syasatdan qoum kehte hain aur dawedar hain k itni tadad k wo himayat yafta hain, tawwunyafta hain kya dya hai unhone awam ko aur kya ayenda de payenge. unhen awam yaad ati hai tu election k waqt ya ger mulki yalghar k waqt. ye waqt awam ya qoum k uttehad ki zarorat ki talqen ka hai. kya hoga is awam ka? kya srf dar, khouf, bebasi aur lachargi ki zindagi hi awam ka muqadar hai!!
Monday, 26 March 2012
Ghar kab aogi....???
Yeeaaahhhhhhh..!!shukar ALLAHMDULLILAH light agyi...chun kay garmian achuki hain to ab aksar o bishtar har gali kuchay say apko yeh jumla sunnay ko milay ga...bachay hon yah burhay har kisi kay mouh say yahi sunnay ko milta hai aur un kay chehray say aisa lagta hai kay unhay pata nahi duniya ki kon si anmol cheez hath lag gyi ho....chu kyun kay garmian achuki hain aur humesha ki tarah humari mulk ki awaam ko garmion kay sath sath laodshedding ka tohfa bhi har saal milta hai
Loadshedding ek aisa masla hai kay jo din ba din shiddat ekhteyar kiye ja raha hai aur jis ka hal na hi abhi tak nikla hai aur na hi ayenda saalon me niklata hua dikhayi deta hai...jesay jesay garmion kay din kareeb atay jatay hain logon ki bechaini aur pareshani barhti hui dikhai deti hai...Karachi jesay baray shehar ka itna bura haal hai Gaun aur Dehaat ka to ALLAH hi hafiz hai...
Aur phir garmion main chooron ki bhi eid ho jati hai kyun kay raat kay waqt jab loadshedding hoti hai to aksar gharon ki auraten aur larken ghar kay bahar mehfil jama kar beth jatay hain itnay main choor jo kay faqeer ki awaz main sadaen laga raha hota hai mauka dekhtay hi un kay ghar main dhawa bol deta hai aur becharay log hath maltay reh jatay hain
Har saal hamaray siyasat daan har saal yahi kehtay nazar atay hain kay falan saal yeh masla hal ho jayega ga lekin unka wo saal kab ayega yeh to ALLAH hi behtar janta loadshedding kay maslay ki wajah say na sirf hamari awaam ka nuksaan ho raha hai balkay is maslay ki wajah say hamaray mulk ki maishiat ka bhi buhat zayada nuksaan ho raha hai..dekha jaye to is maslay main humaray siyasat daan say zayada KESC kay intezamia ki marzi chalti hai kuch din phele hi ki baat hai ek tv channel pe humaray prime minister ki taraf say slide chali kay kal say loadshedding nahi hogi..uss kay thori dair baad hi KESC kay intezamia ki taraf say yeh slide chali kay kal say loadshedding mamool kay mutabiq hogi..yeh slide parh kar thori hansi bhi ayi aur hairat bhi hui kay humaray mulk main kisi siyasat daan ki baat ka bhi koi mole nahi jis ki jo marzi hoti hai wo wahi karta hai..behrhaal agar yahi halaat rahay to humaray mulk kay halaat aur bhi zayada kharab ho jayen gay aur phir har koi yahi kehta nazar ayega kay"Ghar kab Aogi"....???
Friday, 23 March 2012
Self reliance Is The Need Of The Nation
To have faith in god and in ourselves and to carefully use the sources we have, its all about self reliance and self reliance is the need of the nation. if we make it habit to be self reliant then the whole nation can go ahead and prosper and join the group of developed countries. if we don't act according to this then the whole nation will gradually be destroyed or it seems in our society nowadays destruction is knocking at the door of our country.
This should serve as a guiding principle for us in every field of our life its only through self reliance that we can prosper in the whole fields of our country.At the time of independence we had a lot of problems we faced bad crises we misused our skills our sources which brought us in current position today every new born baby is came in this world lifted with a loan of fifteen thousand we don't have rely on our sources we still in a under developing list. The America and the Russia have conquered moon through their struggle and self reliance.why shouldn't we? the Japanese have developed their country on the basis of self dependence on their population , utilizing their manual labour and resources. but today we are only thinking of serving ourselves. we are not working fro our country we are not trying to make itself reliant.
In Holy book Almighty addressed!
Enjoy all things whole and pure and work righteous (holy Quran chapter 23)
Islam provides guidance to its followers in all walks of life, material as well as spiritual. Allah is Razzaq therefore we should rely on him only and continue our struggle for better progress and future but all this thing how can possible? it is possible if we trust in ALLAH and use our resources in a right way honestly courageously and Earnestly. in this respect a slogan of one of our politicians APNA UGAO APNA KHAO is a good example of self reliance. it is a fact that a child of today is the future of his country and nation Inshallah , the day will come when our country will be included in the list of developed countries for it we need self reliance on us and on our resources boldly..
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Hats off to You......... :)
In a family when you lose a person which is the only strength and backbone for you then it is difficult to continue the life without them.The pain of losing the most loveable and caring persons leaves an individual broken and shattered .This lost takes us to that extreme where everything ends ,hope ends,desires end and life ends.Father is the hero for every daughter in the world and mother is just like an angel who always help us.I cannot understand even cannot have that words which describes the true feelings of my friends but i can appreciate my friends who had lost their father or mother. They seems to be the greatest girls in my eyes that they are still living their lives with same courage.They are trying hard to achieve the goals and dreams of their father or mother ( hats off to you girls ). A poem dedicated to every father from all the daughters.....
When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
How did I get so lucky,
you were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a father's love.
Seems it was sent to me
from someplace up above.
Our love is everlasting,
I just wanted you to know.
That you’re my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
How did I get so lucky,
you were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a father's love.
Seems it was sent to me
from someplace up above.
Our love is everlasting,
I just wanted you to know.
That you’re my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Insha Allah Green Shirts Will Win
of all I just want to quote few verses for my Pakistani brothers who all are representing
16 crore Pakistani in this “Asia Cup” and our pride in the “International
“Tum surkh rooh ho gaye
Tum jo karo hausla
Jeetoge tum sada
hai yeh apni dua
tum jeeto ya haaro
tumse pyaar hai Humein
tumse pyaar hai”
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"our Trophy Insha Allah" |
Shirts (GSs), but it does not mean that we are not looking towards all 11 of
you for the title of “CHAMPIONS OF ASIA CUP.”
is true that because of the match between Pakistan and India I and definitely
all Pakistani cricket fans were very much disappointed. One definite reason was
the team playing against Pakistan, it was India guys!! our arch-rival. That
loss was too much heart breaking but today when Bangladesh won the match
against Sri Lanka and kicked out India from the Asia Cup this news healed our wounds.
How much I am happy today I can’t put it into words. Although we lost match
against India but this is enough for me that they are now out of Asia Cup.
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"Pakistan and Bangladesh" |
Green Pakistani, whatever your strategy will be on 22nd march, 2012
against Bangladesh either “BOOM BOOM” or “TUK TUK” we all are with you. INSHA
ALLAH you will win this Asia Cup. Keep confidence on your selves and victory
will be yours Insha Allah.
wish my Pakistani brothers “BEST OF LUCK” for the final match and pray to ALLAH
for their success.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
uffffff!! Today iz my "Beizati Day.".:P
aik dafa kahin parha tha k insaan ki zindagi main do terha k din hoty hain aik woh jo iss k Haq main hota hai or aik woh jo iss k Haq main nahi hota..:P jab yeh baat parhi thi, uss waqt tou yeh sir k upper sy guzar gai thi., lakin ajj waqi main " lag pata gaya " k woh din jo Haq main nahi hota woh kesa hota hai..:(
bad luck ka aaghaz ajj subha sy hi hoo gaya tha, jb mam marvi ka paper hath main ayya.. jis ko dekh k rona bhi nahi arha tha balkay zor zor sy hansi arhi thi., zindagi main shayd hi koi paper aesa diya ho main ny jis main mujhy kuch bhi nahi atta tha.3 MCQs k illawa..:P, matlab insan agaye pechay sy bhi pochy bhi tou kitnaaaaa pochy?? main ny paper ki nazuk condition ko dekhty hoye apnay Emaan ko bachany ka faisla kiya or bagir cheeting k tuky mar mar k paper kiya, jo Allah k fazal sy sabbbbbbbbbbbb Ghalat nikaly..:P main 4 number hasil kr k Emaan ki salamti k sath Fail hoo gai ( MashaAllah..:D), uss sy zada sharm naak mam marvi ka muskura muskura k dekhna tha wesay..:( mai jo presentation main full marks ly k bohtttt khush thi ajj wapis zameen pe agai Allhmdulilah..:P .. khir janab abhi orrrrrr bhi bura waqt dekhna tha inn gunnahgar ankho ko..:P
lehaza attay hain Reporting ki class main..... mam yasmen ki class main tamsha tou hota hi hai koi na koi lakin ajj walay tamashy ka shikar app ki yeh behn hoo gain..:( .. Mam k sath class , specially MA wali "bajiyoo" ny hasb e mamool bdtamizi karna shuru ki, jis k natijay main Mam k saber ka pemana labreez ho gaya,or woh class sy naraz hoo k janay lagain , sath main zor zor sy dant bhi rahi thn, mam ny josh e jazbat main aik boht hi laa jawab jumla keh diya , unhoo ny kaha k " Adhee class tou shadi shuda hai phr bhi app loogo ko koi tamizzzzz nahi hai.." bss iss jumla ny mujh pe jadu ka sa asar kiya, or main aik dm hans pariiiii.. bss janab phr aik awaz ai Bohtttt Hansi arhi hai apko??? or meri sitti gumm.. aj tak kabhi kisi teacher sy aesi live beizzati ka ittefaq nahi hua tha.. toobaaaa.. uss k bd class main jo record laga hai mujh ghareeb ka woh tou double tooba..:(.. Hansi meri zindagi ka boht bara masla hai, intehai bewaqat aati hai, or jab atti hai tou atti hi chali jati hai..:(, mera waqi koi irada nahi tha mam ki class main aesi bey tukki harkat ka lakin bss.....!!
Mam areeba ka period khir sy guzarany ki khoub dauain kin jo shukr qabool bhi hoo gain..:) lakin abhi izzat afazai main kuch kasar baqi thi jo k ghr aa kar puri hoi, ammi sy zaber10 jhaar ki surat main, or chun k yeh jhaar behn muhterma ki chalaki ki waja sy pari the lehaza uss k bd behn sy phadda aik alag kahani hai..:P
finally iss waqt raat k 1 baj chuky hain or main yeh soch rahi hun k ajj mery sath kia kia ho gaya..:P khir janab abb ijazat dn iss dua k sath k kal ka din mery liye beizzati day nahi hoo ga InshaAllah..:D
bad luck ka aaghaz ajj subha sy hi hoo gaya tha, jb mam marvi ka paper hath main ayya.. jis ko dekh k rona bhi nahi arha tha balkay zor zor sy hansi arhi thi., zindagi main shayd hi koi paper aesa diya ho main ny jis main mujhy kuch bhi nahi atta tha.3 MCQs k illawa..:P, matlab insan agaye pechay sy bhi pochy bhi tou kitnaaaaa pochy?? main ny paper ki nazuk condition ko dekhty hoye apnay Emaan ko bachany ka faisla kiya or bagir cheeting k tuky mar mar k paper kiya, jo Allah k fazal sy sabbbbbbbbbbbb Ghalat nikaly..:P main 4 number hasil kr k Emaan ki salamti k sath Fail hoo gai ( MashaAllah..:D), uss sy zada sharm naak mam marvi ka muskura muskura k dekhna tha wesay..:( mai jo presentation main full marks ly k bohtttt khush thi ajj wapis zameen pe agai Allhmdulilah..:P .. khir janab abhi orrrrrr bhi bura waqt dekhna tha inn gunnahgar ankho ko..:P
lehaza attay hain Reporting ki class main..... mam yasmen ki class main tamsha tou hota hi hai koi na koi lakin ajj walay tamashy ka shikar app ki yeh behn hoo gain..:( .. Mam k sath class , specially MA wali "bajiyoo" ny hasb e mamool bdtamizi karna shuru ki, jis k natijay main Mam k saber ka pemana labreez ho gaya,or woh class sy naraz hoo k janay lagain , sath main zor zor sy dant bhi rahi thn, mam ny josh e jazbat main aik boht hi laa jawab jumla keh diya , unhoo ny kaha k " Adhee class tou shadi shuda hai phr bhi app loogo ko koi tamizzzzz nahi hai.." bss iss jumla ny mujh pe jadu ka sa asar kiya, or main aik dm hans pariiiii.. bss janab phr aik awaz ai Bohtttt Hansi arhi hai apko??? or meri sitti gumm.. aj tak kabhi kisi teacher sy aesi live beizzati ka ittefaq nahi hua tha.. toobaaaa.. uss k bd class main jo record laga hai mujh ghareeb ka woh tou double tooba..:(.. Hansi meri zindagi ka boht bara masla hai, intehai bewaqat aati hai, or jab atti hai tou atti hi chali jati hai..:(, mera waqi koi irada nahi tha mam ki class main aesi bey tukki harkat ka lakin bss.....!!
Mam areeba ka period khir sy guzarany ki khoub dauain kin jo shukr qabool bhi hoo gain..:) lakin abhi izzat afazai main kuch kasar baqi thi jo k ghr aa kar puri hoi, ammi sy zaber10 jhaar ki surat main, or chun k yeh jhaar behn muhterma ki chalaki ki waja sy pari the lehaza uss k bd behn sy phadda aik alag kahani hai..:P
finally iss waqt raat k 1 baj chuky hain or main yeh soch rahi hun k ajj mery sath kia kia ho gaya..:P khir janab abb ijazat dn iss dua k sath k kal ka din mery liye beizzati day nahi hoo ga InshaAllah..:D
Monday, 19 March 2012
Ajeeb si Duniya.....!!!
Aray bhaee..!!aap log mere blog ka mauzoo dekh kay chokiye mat...main iss duniya ki baat nahi kar rahi kay jis main,mein aur aap reh rehay hain bulkay main baat kar rahi hoon uss jagah ki jo kay kisi bhi taleemi idaaray ka buhat hi zaroori juz samjha jata hai...ji haan main baat kar rahi hoon "Cafetaria"ki.
Har university ki tarah meri university main bhi cafetaria hai..aray bhae..itni bari abaadi main ek cafetaria hai to kia hua..hai to sahi agar yeh bhi na hota to bhala hum kahan jatay..humay to 3 baje say phelay university kay bahar nikalnay ki ijazat bhi nahi hai..khair..ab main baat karti hoon apnay asal mauzoo pay..hum log rozana 8:45 pe university phonch jatay hain..jab kabhi 9 baje class nahi hoti to apnay dimagh ko dophar 3 bajay tak fresh rakhnay kay liye chai(tea)pinay ki garz say cafe chalay jatay hain..wahan us waqt larkion ki amd o raft shooru ho jati hai..thori chairs jo khali hoti hain to us pe billian barjaman hoti hain..khair..hum log chai pinay kay baad apnay departmant chalay jatay hain..phir class lenay kay baad jab pait main choohon ki race shuru hoti hai to na chatay huye bhi cafe jana parta hai aur us waqt cafe pura machli bazaar bana hua hota hai aur ek ajeeb sa manzar paish kar raha hota hai lunch lene ka socho to idhar se meri do dosten ek allu roll aur han ketchup aur raita bhi to doosri raitay main chaat masala bhi dalwana aray us rush main ek roll mil jaye to bari baat hai aur yahan farmaishi program chal rahay hotay hain..lunch lenay andar jao to kahin say awaz arahi hoti hai kay"uncle ek coke aur ek allu ka samosa de dein"phir thori dair baad yaad ata hai kay"aur han zara ketchup aur raita bhi dijay ga"..Allah Allah kar kay lunch le kar bahar ao to bethnay ki jagah dhoondo..jaisay hi khali kursi kay pass jao to udhar se awaz ati hai kay"yeh chair reserved hai"yeh jumla sun kar dil chata hai kay yah to us kursi say apna sar phor lo yah phir us larki ka..aur us waqt kursi ki sab say zayada ehmiat pata chalti hai..Allah bhala karay meri dost Tahira ka jo sab kay liye kursi dhoond kay le ati hai..wahan bethtay huye bhi buhat say manzir dekhnay ko miltay hain..kisi ki saalgira hoti hai to sab dosten apni dost ki saalgira mana rahay hotay kuch bechari larkian itnay shor main bhi kitaab khol kar parhnay ki na-kaam koshish kar rahi hoti hain..aur is tarah baaten kartay aur doosron ko observe kartay 3 bj jatay hain aur kaid khanay say bahar nikalnay ki khushi sab kay chehron per jhalaknay lagti hai
Lekin main sochti hoon kay yeh sab baaten jo main nay abhi aap sab kay gosh guzar farmai hai yahi sab baaten university khatam honay kay baad mujhe buhat yaad ayen gi aur shayad yahin saari baaten baad main meri hansi ka bhi sabab ban jaye...!!!
Friday, 16 March 2012
!!آ بیل مجھے مار
"Aa bail mujhe maar" ye kahawat to ap ne suni hi hogi lekin iska amlan tajarba boht kam logn ko hua hoga kyun k zahir hai k koi bhi aqalmand admi kbhi bail ko khud ye ni kahega k aao aur mujhe maaro yani koi bhi shakhs museebat ko khud dawat ni deta. lekin "hum" jo k apne aap ko boht hi aqalmand samajhte hain turram khan banne chale the.
Hua kuch yun k is wednesday hamari class presentation thi jo k pichle do hafton se talte talte akhir kar horae thi us din hmara number tu ni tha lekin humne socha k kyun na dosro ki presentations se bhi kuch faeda hasil kya jaye. presentations us din subha 9:30 se start hona thi hamara pakka irada tha k subha jaldi ghar se nikal jayenge hum subha jaldi uth bhi gaye lekin ise aap hamari susti kahye, kahili ya nend ka khumar k hamen apna bed aur kambal nazar aya aur hum dobara sogaye aur phir jb hamari ankh khuli tu ghari dus(10) bja rae thi. jaldi jaldi tayar hokr ghar se nikle tu raste mein doston k messages aye k class mein enter mat hona teacher bohat buri tarah bezzati kar kr k nikal rae hain ab ap hamari soch ko daad dijye k humne socha wo log class mein shor kar rahe honge is lye nkal dya hoga aur hum tu shakal se hi bohat sharif lagte hain, khamoshi se ja kr beth jayenge teacher hame kuch ni kahengi. Kheir jb hum university pohche tu class k bahar bhi hamari kuch dosten bethi thi un becharyon ne bhi hamen rokne ki bohat koshish ki magr hum ne ksi ki na suni aur class mein enter hogaye hum apni danist mein teacher ne hamen ni dekha hoga aur mazey se seat pe jakr beth gaye. phir hamen mehsos hua k class mein ek dam khamoshi hogayi hai humne sr utha kr dekha tu teacher sameet pori class hamen ghor rae thi, hum moun pr ungli rakh kr teacher ki taraf dekhen aur wo hamen ghoren bs phir tu hamari wo izzat afzai hui k kya btaen humne socha k jo bachi kuchi izzat hai usko lekr class se get out hone mein hi hamari afiat hai. Bs phir kya tha hum class se bahar nikal gaye bahar hamari doston ne hame arhe hathon lya k kaha tha na k boht buri bezzati hogi hum se pehle bhi miss ne teen larkyon ko buri tarah bezzat kar k nkala tha. Ab hamen apni thori izzat tu rakhni thi islye keh dya k bs bezzat hone ka dil chah raha tha aur kabhi teacher ki is tarah se dant ni khayi na tu aaj iska bhi tajarba hogaya. aur phir bare fakhar se humne apni doston ko pakar pakar k ye dastaan sunayi wo hmari shakal dekhti rahin k kesi larki hai k apni bezzati ki kahani kitne mazey se suna rahi hai aur zara si bhi sharmindgi ni hai kyun k bhei zahir hai humne khud hi tu teacher ko ye mouqa fraham kya tha k wo hamari izzat afzai karen. Ye kahani parh kr yaqenan ap logon k khayalat bhi isse mukhtalif ni honge k apni bezzati ki kahani apni hi zabani koi kese suna sakta hai bs kya bataen hum apne ap ko aqalmand jo samajhte hain...
Hua kuch yun k is wednesday hamari class presentation thi jo k pichle do hafton se talte talte akhir kar horae thi us din hmara number tu ni tha lekin humne socha k kyun na dosro ki presentations se bhi kuch faeda hasil kya jaye. presentations us din subha 9:30 se start hona thi hamara pakka irada tha k subha jaldi ghar se nikal jayenge hum subha jaldi uth bhi gaye lekin ise aap hamari susti kahye, kahili ya nend ka khumar k hamen apna bed aur kambal nazar aya aur hum dobara sogaye aur phir jb hamari ankh khuli tu ghari dus(10) bja rae thi. jaldi jaldi tayar hokr ghar se nikle tu raste mein doston k messages aye k class mein enter mat hona teacher bohat buri tarah bezzati kar kr k nikal rae hain ab ap hamari soch ko daad dijye k humne socha wo log class mein shor kar rahe honge is lye nkal dya hoga aur hum tu shakal se hi bohat sharif lagte hain, khamoshi se ja kr beth jayenge teacher hame kuch ni kahengi. Kheir jb hum university pohche tu class k bahar bhi hamari kuch dosten bethi thi un becharyon ne bhi hamen rokne ki bohat koshish ki magr hum ne ksi ki na suni aur class mein enter hogaye hum apni danist mein teacher ne hamen ni dekha hoga aur mazey se seat pe jakr beth gaye. phir hamen mehsos hua k class mein ek dam khamoshi hogayi hai humne sr utha kr dekha tu teacher sameet pori class hamen ghor rae thi, hum moun pr ungli rakh kr teacher ki taraf dekhen aur wo hamen ghoren bs phir tu hamari wo izzat afzai hui k kya btaen humne socha k jo bachi kuchi izzat hai usko lekr class se get out hone mein hi hamari afiat hai. Bs phir kya tha hum class se bahar nikal gaye bahar hamari doston ne hame arhe hathon lya k kaha tha na k boht buri bezzati hogi hum se pehle bhi miss ne teen larkyon ko buri tarah bezzat kar k nkala tha. Ab hamen apni thori izzat tu rakhni thi islye keh dya k bs bezzat hone ka dil chah raha tha aur kabhi teacher ki is tarah se dant ni khayi na tu aaj iska bhi tajarba hogaya. aur phir bare fakhar se humne apni doston ko pakar pakar k ye dastaan sunayi wo hmari shakal dekhti rahin k kesi larki hai k apni bezzati ki kahani kitne mazey se suna rahi hai aur zara si bhi sharmindgi ni hai kyun k bhei zahir hai humne khud hi tu teacher ko ye mouqa fraham kya tha k wo hamari izzat afzai karen. Ye kahani parh kr yaqenan ap logon k khayalat bhi isse mukhtalif ni honge k apni bezzati ki kahani apni hi zabani koi kese suna sakta hai bs kya bataen hum apne ap ko aqalmand jo samajhte hain...
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