Friday, 20 April 2012

I'm a Prisoner...

A poem from a girl who trying to get rid of her problems and always get stuck in.She is living carefree life but some where that girl missed something.She is just like a bird who spread her wings for flying and change her decision because of falling down....
 I am a prisoner of a jail who is crazy but humble inside,
I am a prisoner of a jail who behave worst in tensed time.
I am a prisoner of a jail who fly for sky but falls every time,where tears become apart of my life.
I am a prisoner of a jail whom everyone loves to make cry.
I am a prisoner of a jail whom asking for love and cheated every time.
I am a prisoner of a jail who wish to change life every day.
O ALLAH! help me in removing the darkness of my life
Because I am a prisoner and searching for the light.....


  1. true one
    nice write up
    gurl are captured in a golden cage

  2. hmm nyc1... no one can hold u back if u urself let someone to withheld... cheers...!! :)

  3. tremendous ggg !!!
    deep emotionssss ....
    and nice oneee :)
